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Resurgence in Enterprise SSD Market

In Q3 2023 enterprise SSD suppliers cut production leading to a 15% Q4 surge in contract SSD prices, says TrendForce

This produced a 47.6% QoQ increase for Q4 enterprise SSD industry revenues which hit $23.1 billion.

Contract prices are now expected to increase by over 25% delivering 20% revenue growth in Q1.

SK Group recorded the highest growth rate in the enterprise SSD segment for 4Q23, with revenues hitting $766 million —a 96.9% jump.

Samsung secured the second-highest growth at 64.3%, reaching $961 million.

Micron saw a 6.8% rise to $250 million.

Kioxia had a 4.3% revenue increase in 4Q23 to $217 million.

Western Digital’s revenues fell to $113 million — a 23.4% decline.

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